This instructor-led course covers concepts of basic nutrition and diet. It will teach you how to budget and shop and safely store and handle food.
This is course # 2038 in IHSS Career Pathways and CalGrows. It is part of the General Health & Safety Pathway, which is a general pathway.
This class focuses on preparing you to will be prepared to assist consumers to make healthy decisions about nutrition and diet, including budgeting and shopping. It will include information about proper food storage and safe handling of food, the role of the caregiver in the consumer’s spending and budgeting, as well as shopping tips so you can make the most effective use of your consumer’s finances.
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- List three tips about proper food storage
- List three tips about safe food handling
- Define what a budget is and its purpose in financial planning
- Describe two possible financial roles of the caregiver
- Accurately record the expenditures for which the caregiver is responsible
- Name seven ways of shopping effectively for food and household supplies
- List ways in which best values can be found when shopping for clothes
- Describe guidelines for buying appliances and household items
Please note: Each class can only be taken once. Registrations for additional sessions of the same course are not eligible for payment of training time or incentives and may be deleted. If you wish to change your registration to a different time or date, please cancel your reservation in the User Portal after registering for the new session. If you need help, please contact